August 23, 2019

Every commercial and residential building should have fire extinguishers on every floor. It can give you peace of mind to know that you are prepared in case an emergency happens. But few things are as terrifying as grabbing a fire extinguisher during an emergency, only to find that it isn’t working properly. Keep your fire extinguishers in good working order by getting them inspected and charged regularly.

Once Per Month

You should make a visual inspection once per month. Check for obvious signs of damage that may indicate a replacement extinguisher is necessary. Make sure your fire extinguisher is:

  • Still in its proper place
  • Easily accessible/not being blocked by other equipment or supplies
  • Fully charged

First, check for corrosion, dents, and leakage. Then, look at the pressure gauge. The indicator should still be in operating range. Next, make sure the extinguisher still has the pull pin, and that the pull pin seal is intact. This is also a good time to double-check the date of the last professional inspection. If you’re an employer or commercial building manager, it’s good practice to log the date of your visual inspection on the tag.

Once Per Year

All fire extinguishers should be professionally inspected by a fire protection equipment company once per year. A full inspection and certification will ensure that the extinguisher will work as expected. Once an extinguisher passes the annual inspection, it will receive a dated inspection tag.

Once Every Five to 12 Years

Fire extinguishers also need a full internal examination every five, six, or 12 years, depending on the specific type of equipment. During this inspection, the professional will discharge the extinguisher, conduct an internal exam, and recharge the extinguisher. This inspection may also include a hydrostatic test, designed to ensure the extinguisher can contain the pressure necessary to expel the chemical agent.

If your fire extinguisher is due for an inspection, you can call Kazal Fire Protection, Inc. We install and service fire protection systems throughout the greater Tucson area. You can reach our office at (520) 323-1518.