May 2, 2018

Recognizing the Importance of Regular Fire Pump Maintenance


Fire pumps are an essential component of a building’s fire protection system. They are responsible for drawing water from an external water supply or local water source, and increasing the pressure of the water flow. If the fire pump fails, the system can’t work properly to suppress a fire. There are a few different types of fire pumps, and all of them require regular maintenance performed by a professional fire protection systems company.


Weekly Tests

Both diesel and electric fire pumps should be tested on a weekly basis. Some building managers might question the need for such frequent testing, but it is definitely a necessity. Compare it to letting a vehicle sit in a driveway for months without running it. When the owner does try to start the car, there’s a good chance it won’t start. If a fire pump fails when a building fire is detected, the consequences can be far more severe than those caused by a malfunctioning car. To protect the building and its occupants, fire protection professionals should let electric fire pumps run for 10 minutes each week. Fire pumps with internal combustion engines should run for 30 minutes. During each test, the expert conducts checks of the fire pump’s performance in various areas. These include checks of the system suction and discharge pressure.


Annual Tests

Fire protection professionals should test all fire pumps at full operation once per year. They will check the pump at churn, which is zero flow, as well as at 100% and 150% of the required capacity. If the fire pump shows any signs of deterioration, the specialist will need to assess the degree of deterioration. In some cases, a complete overhaul may be necessary.


Schedule your next fire protection system inspection with Kazal Fire Protection, Inc. Our company has extensive experience installing, testing, and repairing fire pumps in buildings around the Tucson, AZ area. Get in touch today at (520) 323-1518.